Interface JdbiConfig<This extends JdbiConfig<This>>

Type Parameters:
This - A "This" type. Should always be the configuration class.
All Known Implementing Classes:
Arguments, ColumnMappers, Enums, Extensions, FreemarkerConfig, Gson2Config, HandlerDecorators, Handlers, Handles, Jackson2Config, JdbiCollectors, JdbiFreeBuilders, JdbiImmutables, JsonConfig, MapEntryMappers, MapMappers, Mappers, MoshiConfig, PostgresTypes, Qualifiers, ReflectionMappers, ResultProducers, RowMappers, SerializableTransactionRunner.Configuration, SqlArrayTypes, SqlObjects, SqlStatements, StatementExceptions, StringTemplates, TimestampedConfig, TupleMappers

public interface JdbiConfig<This extends JdbiConfig<This>>
Interface for classes that hold configuration. Implementations of this interface must have a public constructor that optionally takes the ConfigRegistry. Implementors should ensure that implementations are thread-safe for access and caching purposes, but not necessarily for reconfiguration.