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Package org.skife.jdbi.v2

Start with DBI and Handle

See: Description

Package org.skife.jdbi.v2 Description

Start with DBI and Handle

The main entry point to functionailty is the DBI class. This class provides access to Handle instances, which are the primary means of interacting with database connections.

The Handle is, generally, used to wrap a JDBC Connection instance. This connection will be used for all database operations by the handle, and will be closed when the handle is closed.

Idioms and Practices

JDBI tries to use common Java practices, and standard interfaces as much as possible. This means that results are returned as java.util.List and java.util.Iterator instances, that working with JavaBeans (tm) is favored, etc.

Named Parameters

You can use named parameters in SQL executed through JDBI. That means that statements such as select id, name from profiles where age > :age is valid. When executed it will be transformed to the traditional form, select id, name from profiles where age > ?. When binding arguments to a statement you may bind them either positionally or via the name, age in the example here. You may also mix positional and named argument binding and it should do the right thing.

Externalized SQL

JDBI supports externalizing SQL via named queries. The default named query resolver looks for files on the classpath. The exact lookup rules for this locator can be found on the javadocs for ClasspathStatementLocator, but the gist is that you can do things like handle.createQuery("queries/profile-by-id"); to fetch the SQL from the file queries/profile-by-id.sql. The locator can be replaced to find named statements by other means, and can be cached if desired.

Version Numbering

JDBI uses the Apache APR versioning guidelines.

Caveats and Random Bits

Most SQL in JDBI uses prepared statements. Non-prepared batch operations and scripts are the only places where regular statements are used. Prepared Statements are cached for the duration of an open handle, and will be reused on that handle. They are not cached on the Connection, but rather on the actual Handle, so if connection pooling is in use and you want to cache prepared statements between handle instances on the same connection you should do this at the data source level.

The unit system tests are most often run against Apache Derby. If you encounter any issue against a different database, please consider running the tests against that database. Please contact the dev mailing list about these, or for help running the tests in a given environment. Thank you!

Design Principles

  1. Do the right thing for clients
  2. Do the right thing for extenders
  3. No configuration required
  4. Optimize the common cases
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