Annotation Type EnableJdbiRepositories

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(TYPE) @Documented @Import(JdbiRepositoryRegistrar.class) public @interface EnableJdbiRepositories
Annotating a spring configuration class with this annotation enables the scanning/detection of jdbi repositories. The scanned packages can be configured in the annotation. If no explicit configuration is done the package of the annotated element will be used as the sole base package.
  • Element Details

    • value

      String[] value
      The names of the base packages used for repository scanning in addition to the basePackages() and basePackageClasses() properties.
    • basePackages

      String[] basePackages
      The names of the base packages used for repository scanning in addition to the value() and basePackageClasses() properties.
    • basePackageClasses

      Class<?>[] basePackageClasses
      The packages of these classes are used as base packages for repository scanning in addition to the value() and basePackages() properties.
    • repositories

      Class<?>[] repositories
      Exact array of classes to consider as repositories. Overriding any of the values defined in value(), basePackages() or basePackageClasses().