Class ReflectionMapperUtil


public final class ReflectionMapperUtil extends Object
Utilities for reflective mappers. This is an internal helper class that should have been package private but as the mappers are spread across the reflect and reflect.internal package, they are not. Any method in here may change at any time.
  • Method Details

    • getColumnNames

      public static List<String> getColumnNames(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException
      Returns the name of all the columns present in the specified ResultSet
      rs - the ResultSet to get the column names of
      list of all the column names in rs (will contain duplicates if multiple columns have the same name)
      SQLException - See ResultSet.getMetaData(), ResultSetMetaData.getColumnCount(), and ResultSetMetaData.getColumnLabel(int)
    • findColumnIndex

      public static OptionalInt findColumnIndex(String paramName, List<String> columnNames, List<ColumnNameMatcher> columnNameMatchers, Supplier<String> debugName)
      Attempts to find the index of a specified column's mapped parameter in a list of column names
      paramName - the name of the parameter to search for
      columnNames - list of column names to search in
      columnNameMatchers - ColumnNameMatchers to map paramName to the column names
      debugName - name of the parameter to use for debugging purposes (ie: when throwing exceptions)
      OptionalInt with the found index, OptionalInt.empty() otherwise.
    • anyColumnsStartWithPrefix

      public static boolean anyColumnsStartWithPrefix(Collection<String> columnNames, String prefix, List<ColumnNameMatcher> columnNameMatchers)
      Returns whether any of the given column names begin with the given prefix, according to the list of column name matchers.
      columnNames - the column names to search
      prefix - the prefix to search for
      columnNameMatchers - list of column name matchers
      whether any of the column names begin with the prefix
    • addPropertyNamePrefix

      public static String addPropertyNamePrefix(String prefix, String name)
      Add a prefix separated with '.' to a java bean property name. If the prefix is empty, return the name itself.
      prefix - The prefix to add to the property name. The empty string is ignored.
      name - A property name.
      The prefixed name.