Interface SqlStatementCustomizerFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
AllowUnusedBindingsFactory, BindBeanFactory, BindBeanListFactory, BindFactory, BindFieldsFactory, BindJpaFactory, BindListFactory, BindMapFactory, BindMethodsFactory, BindMethodsListFactory, BindPojoFactory, DefineFactory, DefineListFactory, DefineNamedBindingsFactory, FetchSizeFactory, MapToFactory, MaxRowsFactory, OutParameterFactory, OutParameterListFactory, QueryTimeOutFactory, TimestampedFactory

public interface SqlStatementCustomizerFactory
Interface used in conjunction with SqlStatementCustomizingAnnotation to generate SqlStatementCustomizer instances.
  • Method Details

    • createForType

      default SqlStatementCustomizer createForType(Annotation annotation, Class<?> sqlObjectType)
      Used to create customizers for annotations on sql object interfaces
      annotation - the annotation which lead to the method being called
      sqlObjectType - sql object class (interface)
      the customizer which will be applied to the generated statement
    • createForMethod

      default SqlStatementCustomizer createForMethod(Annotation annotation, Class<?> sqlObjectType, Method method)
      Used to create customizers for annotations on methods.
      annotation - the annotation which lead to the method being called
      sqlObjectType - sql object class (interface)
      method - the method which was annotated
      the customizer which will be applied to the generated statement
    • createForParameter

      default SqlStatementParameterCustomizer createForParameter(Annotation annotation, Class<?> sqlObjectType, Method method, Parameter param, int index, Type paramType)
      Used to create customizers for annotations on parameters
      annotation - the annotation which lead to the method being called
      sqlObjectType - sql object class (interface)
      method - the method which was annotated
      param - the parameter which was annotated
      index - the method parameter index
      paramType - the type of the parameter
      the customizer which will be applied to the generated statement